University of Wisconsion - Eau Claire




Children's Ministry - Teachers

15 hours

Community partner: Renew Church
Supervisor: Rachel Davis
Beginning date:
Ending Date:

Service-Learning Proposal Description


Briefly describe the project and the community need to be addressed.

Answer Renew Church's children's ministry, Camp Renew, is looking for dedicated volunteers to serve in a teaching role during Sunday morning services. There are three age groups ranging from PreK to 5th grade.


What is the mission of the agency or organization?

Answer Our big win is when a child takes a step towards owning their faith. There are 4 discipleship areas we focus on: spending time with God, spending time with others, sharing your story, and using your gifts. We aim to provide a safe place for kids to grow in their faith, wrestle with things they face everyday, grow relationship with both the volunteers and others, and have fun of course!


What skills are required for this project? 

Answer We are looking for people who want to grow God's kingdom, are dependable, good communicators, willing to learn, and are good teammates. There are some technological skills like navigating an app for scheduling, and having access to email.


What are the objectives for the student learning and service?

Answer Serving in this role will help give some insight to leading a group of students, reading and following a lesson, showing up for a pre-service huddle, time management, and having contact with parents/families.


What are the availability requirements for the student?

Answer We are looking for someone to serve on Sunday mornings at least 2 times per month. During the school year we have two services (9:00 & 10:30) and in the summer months we have one service (10:00). There is a pre service huddle 30 minutes before service, and there is about 15-20 minutes after service where families come pick up kids, and you can reset the room. Summer Hours: 9:30-11:15 School Year Hours: 8:30-11:45


Additional information (not required).

Answer If you are interested, the onboarding process entails a coffee date with me (Rachel!), a tour of the children's ministry, background check, short application, and downloading our scheduling app.