University of Wisconsion - Eau Claire




Categorizing Geologic Specimens in Phillips Hall

30 hours

Community partner: UWEC Geology
Supervisor: Phillip D. Ihinger
Beginning date:
Ending Date:

Service-Learning Proposal Description


Briefly describe the project and the community need to be addressed.

Answer The Department of Geology and Environmental Science has accrued thousands of mineral and rock specimens over the many years through donation by alumni and friends in the local community. These specimens need time and attention to categorize and store in facilities on campus that allow for quick and easy access by members of the university community. Student volunteers will work with department faculty member to assess the overall value of each specimen and file (or discard) accordingly. This is a valuable service for our department (organizes a vast number of valuable specimens), university (provides access to samples for teaching to students and faculty across disciplines), and the surrounding community (makes available collections accessible, and provides a smooth warehouse for future donations).


What is the mission of the agency or organization?

Answer The Department of Geology and Environmental Science sponsors programs in educating UW-Eau Claire undergraduates and preparing them for jobs in the community and/or continuing graduate study.


What skills are required for this project? 

Answer An introductory understanding of the different types of rocks and minerals.


What are the objectives for the student learning and service?

Answer To examine rocks and minerals in the UW-Eau Claire collection (donated over many years) and categorize them for future pedagogical and/or scientific research.


What are the availability requirements for the student?

Answer 30 hours across the fall 2023 semester.


Additional information (not required).

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