University of Wisconsion - Eau Claire




Volunteering at Flynn Elementary School

30 hours

Community partner: Flynn Elementary School
Supervisor: James Schmitt
Beginning date:
Ending Date:

Service-Learning Proposal Description


Briefly describe the project and the community need to be addressed.

Answer Students are at Flynn from 8:25 AM – 3:40 PM each school day. We are hosting volunteers anytime during that timeframe. We need to know the following items regarding volunteer availability. 1. The dates or day(s) of week you can come to Flynn, including your first and last day of volunteering. 2. The time of day (start/end) you can volunteer. 3. The setting (recess, lunch, classroom) you prefer. Please communicate your interest to volunteer to Partnership Coordinator Jessica Hoff ( and Principal Jim Schmitt ( We will then arrange a schedule for you.


What is the mission of the agency or organization?

Answer Flynn Mission: To inspire, prepare, and empower our students to live peaceful, creative, fulfilling and responsible lives.


What skills are required for this project? 

Answer Volunteers need to want to be with children and encourage them in the setting they share with them.


What are the objectives for the student learning and service?

Answer In the classroom, many of our students struggle to begin tasks. Volunteers will encourage them to start their work and successfully complete it. On the playground, many of our students struggle to successfully play with their peers. Volunteers will work with them to play fairly with their peers during recess.


What are the availability requirements for the student?

Answer Volunteers need to be available at some point between 8:25 AM – 3:40 PM on a school day. We can connect a volunteer's availability with students (we will provide a schedule for the volunteer for the time they are at Flynn).


Additional information (not required).

Answer We are very flexible with when volunteers come to Flynn. We will create a schedule for you at Flynn based on your availability.