University of Wisconsion - Eau Claire




Anatomical 3D Printing Lab Associate

30 hours

Beginning date:
Ending Date:

Service-Learning Proposal Description


Briefly describe the project and the community need to be addressed.

Answer Physicians from local clinics will provide medical image files (CT and MRI) of anatomic features that they are interested in having 3D models of. Student will take medical image files (CT, MRI), segment and 3D print the features and provide them to the physicians to be used for educational use. Feedback from the physician will be used to improve the models.


What is the mission of the agency or organization?

Answer Provide accurate 3D anatomical models to physicians to use for educational purposes.


What skills are required for this project? 

Answer General knowledge of human anatomy. Previous experience with 3D printing is helpful. Other skills needed will be provided through training.


What are the objectives for the student learning and service?

Answer Student learning: Interact with medical professionals in a professional way. Solicit and receive feedback on work performed from a professional outside the student's discipline. Learn how 3D printing can be useful to benefit individuals in healthcare. Service objective: Provide useful models for physicians to educate their patients.


What are the availability requirements for the student?

Answer Times for working are flexible.


Additional information (not required).

Answer None