University of Wisconsion - Eau Claire




Statistical Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis

30 hours

Community partner: MS-Take Charge, Inc.
Beginning date:
Ending Date:

Service-Learning Proposal Description


Briefly describe the project and the community need to be addressed.

Answer Assist nonprofit MS-Take Charge in researching the statistics and demographics of people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the Eau Claire community. The study will focus on identifying the prevalence, demographic trends, and potential disparities in the diagnosis and management of MS in our area.


What is the mission of the agency or organization?

Answer Our mission is to empower individuals living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) to thrive by providing accessible, no-cost therapeutic movement and exercise services that enhance their mental health and overall well-being while encouraging independence.


What skills are required for this project? 

Answer Research skills - ability to conduct thorough reviews of existing research and reports Analytical skills - strong skills in analyzing numerical data to calculate prevalence rates and demographic patterns Organizational skills - ability to plan and manage the project timeline, ensuring milestones are met and tasks are completed efficiently.


What are the objectives for the student learning and service?

Answer To support the local MS community by identifying key areas where services and resources may be improved or expanded. To determine the prevalence of MS in Eau Claire and surrounding counties To develop the student's understanding of epidemiological research and data analysis. To enhance the student's ability to interpret and present statistical information.


What are the availability requirements for the student?

Answer Would like to meet in person for the initial meeting. Option to work remotely with weekly check-ins.


Additional information (not required).

Answer Multiple Sclerosis is a neurological disorder usually manifesting itself in early 20’s. Almost one million people in the United States have MS, making it one of the most common causes of neurological disability among young adults (20’s-40’s) in North America. The prevalence of MS in Wisconsin is medium to high and there is an estimated 20,000 people in Wisconsin impacted by Multiple Sclerosis.